BeagleBone Black Support from MATLAB
Acquire sensor and image data from your connected BeagleBone Black using MATLAB.
- BeagleBone Black Support from MATLAB
- BeagleBone Black Support from Embedded Coder
Capabilities and Features
With MATLAB Support Package for BeagleBone® Black Hardware, you can access peripheral devices through BeagleBone Black, a low-cost, single-board computer designed for digital signal processing.
The MATLAB support package allows you to acquire data from sensors and imaging devices connected to BeagleBone Black. Specifically, libraries of MATLAB functions are provided for the following BeagleBone Black interfaces:
- USB Webcam
- I2C interface
- SPI interface
- Serial interface
The capabilities of BeagleBone Black can be extended to signal processing and video algorithms through add-on products such as DSP System Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox, and Computer Vision Toolbox. Researchers, students, and hobbyists can use MATLAB to acquire data from connected devices, and then they can analyze and visualize their data in MATLAB.
Note that you cannot run MATLAB code as a standalone application on BeagleBone Black. To develop applications for the BeagleBone Black to be used in standalone operation, please see BeagleBone Black Support from Embedded Coder.
About BeagleBone Black
BeagleBone Black is a low-cost, single-board computer designed for digital signal processing. BeagleBone Black features TI’s 1 GHz ARM® Cortex®-A8 processor, provides stereo audio and digital video connectivity, and supports USB, HDMI, and Ethernet.
Platform Support
See the hardware support package system requirements table for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.
View enhancements and bug fixes in release notes.