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Build Light in Unreal Editor

Follow these steps to build light in the Unreal® Editor. You can also use the AutoVrtlEnv project lighting in a custom scene.

  1. In the editor, under Build, select Lighting Quality > Production to rebuild production quality maps. Rebuilding complex maps can be time-intensive.

    Unreal Engine build lighting quality production options

  2. Click the Build icon to build the game. Production-quality lighting takes the a long time to build.

Use AutoVrtlEnv Project Lighting in Custom Scene

To use the lighting that comes installed with the AutoVrtlEnv project in Aerospace Blockset™ Interface for Unreal Engine® Projects, follow these steps.

  1. On the World Settings tab, clear Force no precomputed lighting.

    Unreal Editor World Settings tab

  2. Under Build, select Lighting Quality > Production to rebuild the maps with production quality. Rebuilding complex maps can be time-intensive.

    Unreal Editor Build menu

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