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Read mass spectrometry data from netCDF file


mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File)
mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File, ...'TimeRange', TimeRangeValue, ...)
mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File, ...'ScanIndices', ScanIndicesValue, ...)
mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File, ...'Verbose', VerboseValue, ...)

Input Arguments


Character vector or string containing a file name, or a path and file name, of a netCDF file that contains mass spectrometry data and conforms to the ANDI/MS or the ASTM E2077-00 (2005) standard specification or earlier specifications.

If you specify only a file name, that file must be on the MATLAB® search path or in the current folder.


Two-element numeric array [Start End] that specifies the time range in File for which to read spectra. Default is to read spectra from all times [0 Inf].


Time units are indicated in the netCDF global attributes. For summary information about the time ranges in a netCDF file, use the mzcdfinfo function.


If you specify a TimeRangeValue, you cannot specify a ScanIndicesValue.


Positive integer, vector of integers, or a two-element numeric array [Start_Ind End_Ind] that specifies a scan, multiple scans, or a range of scans in File to read. Start_Ind and End_Ind are each positive integers indicating a scan index number. Start_Ind must be less than End_Ind. Default is to read all scans.


For information about the scan indices in a netCDF file, check the NumberOfScans field in the structure returned by the mzcdfinfo function.


If you specify a ScanIndicesValue, you cannot specify TimeRangeValue.


Controls the display of the progress of the reading of File. Choices are true (default) or false.

Output Arguments


MATLAB structure containing mass spectrometry information from a netCDF file. Its fields correspond to the variables and global attributes in a netCDF file. If a netCDF variable contains local attributes, an additional field is created, with the name of the field being the variable name appended with _attributes. The number and names of the fields will vary, depending on the mass spectrometer software, but typically there are mass_values and intensity_values fields.


mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File) reads a netCDF file, File, and then creates a MATLAB structure, mzCDFStruct.

File is a character vector or string containing a file name, or a path and file name, of a netCDF file that contains mass spectrometry data. The file must conform to the ANDI/MS or the ASTM E2077-00 (2005) standard specification or earlier specifications.

mzCDFStruct contains fields that correspond to the variables and global attributes in a netCDF file. If a netCDF variable contains local attributes, an additional field is created, with the name of the field being the variable name appended with _attributes. The number and names of the fields will vary, depending on the mass spectrometer software, but typically there are mass_values and intensity_values fields.


LC/MS data analysis requires extended amounts of memory from the operating system.

mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File, ...'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) calls mzcdfread with optional properties that use property name/property value pairs. You can specify one or more properties in any order. Each PropertyName must be enclosed in single quotation marks and is case insensitive. These property name/property value pairs are as follows:

mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File, ...'TimeRange', TimeRangeValue, ...) specifies the range of time in File to read. TimeRangeValue is a two-element numeric array [Start End]. Default is to read spectra from all times [0 Inf].


Time units are indicated in the netCDF global attributes. For summary information about the time ranges in a netCDF file, use the mzcdfinfo function.


If you specify a TimeRangeValue, you cannot specify ScanIndicesValue.

mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File, ...'ScanIndices', ScanIndicesValue, ...) specifies a scan, multiple scans, or range of scans in File to read. ScanIndicesValue is a positive integer, vector of integers, or a two-element numeric array [Start_Ind End_Ind]. Start_Ind and End_Ind are each positive integers indicating a scan index number. Start_Ind must be less than End_Ind. Default is to read all scans.


For information about the scan indices in a netCDF file, check the NumberOfScans field in the structure returned by the mzcdfinfo function.


If you specify a ScanIndicesValue, you cannot specify a TimeRangeValue.

mzCDFStruct = mzcdfread(File, ...'Verbose', VerboseValue, ...) controls the progress display when reading File. Choices are true (default) or false.


In the following example, the file results.cdf is not provided.

  1. Read a netCDF file into the MATLAB software as a structure.

    out = mzcdfread('results.cdf');
  2. View the second scan in the netCDF file by creating separate variables containing the intensity and m/z values, and then plotting these values. Add a title and x- and y-axis labels using fields in the output structure.

    idx1 = out.scan_index(2)+1;
    idx2 = out.scan_index(3);
    y = out.intensity_values(idx1:idx2);
    z = out.mass_values(idx1:idx2);
    title(sprintf('Time: %f',out.scan_acquisition_time(2)))

Version History

Introduced in R2008b

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