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Visualize intermolecular distances in Protein Data Bank (PDB) file


pdbdistplot(PDBid, Distance)



Any of the following:

  • Character vector or string specifying a unique identifier for a protein structure record.

  • Name of a variable for a MATLAB® structure containing PDB information for a molecular structure, such as returned by getpdb or pdbread.

  • Name of file containing PDB information for a molecular structure, such as created by getpdb with the 'ToFile' property.


Each structure in the PDB database is represented by a four-character alphanumeric identifier. For example, 4hhb is the identification code for hemoglobin.


Threshold distance in angstroms shown on a spy plot. Default is 7.


Any of the following:

  • Character vector or string specifying the chain ID to consider.

  • Cell arrays of character vectors or string vector specifying the list of chain IDs to consider.

ChainID is case-sensitive. By default, all chains included in the model are considered.


Positive integer specifying which model to consider. Default is 1.


pdbdistplot displays the distances between atoms and between residues in a PDB structure.

pdbdistplot(PDBid) retrieves the structure specified by PDBid from the PDB database and creates a heat map showing inter–residue distances and a spy plot showing the residues where the minimum distances apart are less than 7 angstroms. If multiple chains are present in PDBid, separate plots are created.

pdbdistplot(PDBid, Distance) specifies the threshold distance shown on a spy plot. Default is 7.

pdbdistplot(___,'Chain',ChainID) specifies the chains to consider. By default, all chains included in the model are considered.

pdbdistplot(___,'Model',ModelNum) specifies which PDB structural model to consider. Default is 1.

pdbdistplot(___,'Hetero',TF) specifies whether to include hetero atoms in the plot of residue interactions. TF is logical, true or false. Default is false.


Display a heat map of the inter–residue distances and a spy plot at 7 angstroms of the protein cytochrome C from albacore tuna.


Display a spy plot at 10 angstroms of the same structure.


Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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