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Look up information for Affymetrix probe set


PSStruct = probesetlookup(AffyStruct, ID)

Input Arguments

AffyStruct Structure created by the affyread function from an Affymetrix® CHP file or an Affymetrix CDF library file for expression assays.
IDCharacter vector, string, string vector, or cell array of character vectors specifying one or more probe set IDs/names or gene IDs.

Output Arguments

PSStructStructure or array of structures containing the following fields for a probe set:
  • Identifier — Gene ID associated with the probe set

  • ProbeSetName — Probe set ID/name

  • CDFIndex — Index into the CDF structure for the probe set

  • GINIndex — Index into the GIN structure for the probe set

  • Description — Description of the probe set

  • Source — Source(s) of the probe set

  • SourceURL — Source URL(s) for the probe set


PSStruct = probesetlookup(AffyStruct, ID) returns a structure or an array of structures containing information for an Affymetrix probe set specified by ID, a character vector, string, ,string vector, or cell array of character vectors specifying one or more probe set IDs/names or gene IDs, and by AffyStruct, a structure created from an Affymetrix CHP file or Affymetrix CDF library file for expression assays.


This function works with CHP files and CDF files for expression assays only. It requires that the GIN library file associated with the CHP file or CDF file to be located in the same folder as the CDF library file.


The following example uses the CDF library file from the E. coli Antisense Genome array, which you can download from:

The following example assumes that the Ecoli_ASv2.CDF library file is stored at D:\Affymetrix\LibFiles\Ecoli.

  1. Read the contents of a CDF library file into a MATLAB® structure.

    cdfStruct = affyread('D:\Affymetrix\LibFiles\Ecoli\Ecoli_ASv2.CDF');
  2. Look up the gene ID (Identifier) associated with the argG_b3172_at probe set.

    ans = 
          Identifier: '3315278'
        ProbeSetName: 'argG_b3172_at'
            CDFIndex: 5213
            GINIndex: 3074
         Description: [1x82 char]
              Source: 'NCBI EColi Genome'
           SourceURL: [1x74 char]

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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