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Create curve marking types in RoadRunner HD Map using MATLAB

Since R2024b


    A roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType object enables you to define the type and type information for a curve marking in a RoadRunner HD Map scene model.



    curveMarkingType = roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType creates an empty curve marking type.

    curveMarkingType = roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType(Name=Value) sets the properties of the curve marking type using one or more name-value arguments. For example, ID="CurveMarkingType1" sets the ID of the curve marking type element to "CurveMarkingType1".



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    ID of the curve marking type, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarking object references this field to describe the type of a curve marking.

    Data Types: char | string

    Relative path for a curve marking asset file, specified as a roadrunner.hdmap.RelativeAssetPath object. The asset path points to the information about the curve marking type.


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    Create an empty RoadRunner HD Map as a default roadrunnerHDMap object.

    rrMap = roadrunnerHDMap
    rrMap = 
      roadrunnerHDMap with properties:
                     Author: ""
               GeoReference: [0 0]
         GeographicBoundary: []
                      Lanes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Lane]
                SpeedLimits: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SpeedLimit]
             LaneBoundaries: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneBoundary]
                 LaneGroups: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneGroup]
               LaneMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneMarking]
                  Junctions: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Junction]
               BarrierTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.BarrierType]
                   Barriers: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Barrier]
                  SignTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SignType]
                      Signs: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Sign]
          StaticObjectTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObjectType]
              StaticObjects: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObject]
        StencilMarkingTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarkingType]
            StencilMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking]
          CurveMarkingTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType]
              CurveMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarking]

    Create a relative path to an asset. This code creates a relative path to a curve marking asset file from the RoadRunner asset library. This path is relative to the Assets folder of your RoadRunner project.

    path = roadrunner.hdmap.RelativeAssetPath(AssetPath="Assets/Markings/DashedShortSingleWhite.rrlms")
    path = 
      RelativeAssetPath with properties:
        AssetPath: "Assets/Markings/DashedShortSingleWhite.rrlms"

    Create a curve marking type as a roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType object. Specify the curve marking type ID and the asset path for the type information.

    rrMap.CurveMarkingTypes = roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType(ID="CurveMarkingType1",AssetPath=path)
    rrMap = 
      roadrunnerHDMap with properties:
                     Author: ""
               GeoReference: [0 0]
         GeographicBoundary: []
                      Lanes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Lane]
                SpeedLimits: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SpeedLimit]
             LaneBoundaries: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneBoundary]
                 LaneGroups: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneGroup]
               LaneMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneMarking]
                  Junctions: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Junction]
               BarrierTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.BarrierType]
                   Barriers: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Barrier]
                  SignTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SignType]
                      Signs: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Sign]
          StaticObjectTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObjectType]
              StaticObjects: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObject]
        StencilMarkingTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarkingType]
            StencilMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking]
          CurveMarkingTypes: [1x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType]
              CurveMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarking]

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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