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Overview of Lane Changing System

An automated lane-changing system enables autonomous vehicles to change lanes and travel along a collision-free path to reach a destination. Automated Driving Toolbox™ provides application examples that show you how to design a lane-changing system and automate testing for highway driving scenarios. The toolbox also includes examples that show you how to design the sensor fusion, planner, and controller components of a lane-changing system. This topic presents an overview of various application examples, and helps you get started with building a lane-changing system.

To capture its surrounding view, you must equip the ego vehicle with multiple cameras and a radar sensor. A lane-changing system receives vision and radar detections and outputs steering and acceleration commands to a vehicle dynamics system, which models the motion of the ego vehicle. The system consists of these components:

  • Sensor Fusion and Tracking — Fuses vehicle detections from the camera and radar sensors, and tracks the positions of detected vehicles across multiple frames.

  • Planner — Finds the most important objects surrounding the ego vehicle, predicts their motion, and generates the optimal trajectory.

  • Control — Computes the required acceleration and steering angle to enable the ego vehicle to travel along the generated trajectory.

Block diagram of lane-changing system

This table lists applicable examples for each lane-changing goal.

GoalExampleSensor InputSimulation Environment

Design lane-changing system for highway driving scenarios.

Highway Lane Change
  • Camera detections

  • Radar detections

  • INS measurements


Automate testing of lane-changing system against multiple driving scenarios.

Automate Testing for Highway Lane Change
  • Camera detections

  • Radar detections

  • INS measurements


Design sensor fusion component to track detections from multiple cameras and a radar.

Surround Vehicle Sensor Fusion
  • Camera detections

  • Radar detections

  • INS measurements


Design planner and controller components of lane-changing system.

Highway Lane Change Planner and Controller
  • Lanes and actors truth


Generate code for a lane-change planner, and validate the functional equivalence with simulation.

Generate Code for Highway Lane Change Planner
  • Lanes and actors truth


Simulate highway lane-change planner with RoadRunner Scenario.

Highway Lane Change Planner with RoadRunner Scenario
  • Lanes and actors truth

RoadRunner Scenario

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