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Construct a Global Data Grid

Imagine an extremely coarse map of the world in which each cell represents 60°. Such a map matrix would be 3-by-6.

  1. Create a 3-by-6 grid:

    miniZ = [1 2 3 4 5 6; 7 8 9 10 11 12; 13 14 15 16 17 18];
  2. Now make a referencing object:

    miniR = georasterref('RasterSize', size(miniZ), ...
       'Latlim', [-90 90], 'Lonlim', [-180 180])

    Your output appears like this:

    miniR = 
      GeographicCellsReference with properties:
                 LatitudeLimits: [-90 90]
                LongitudeLimits: [-180 180]
                     RasterSize: [3 6]
           RasterInterpretation: 'cells'
               ColumnsStartFrom: 'south'
                  RowsStartFrom: 'west'
           CellExtentInLatitude: 60
          CellExtentInLongitude: 60
         RasterExtentInLatitude: 180
        RasterExtentInLongitude: 360
               XIntrinsicLimits: [0.5 6.5]
               YIntrinsicLimits: [0.5 3.5]
           CoordinateSystemType: 'geographic'
                      AngleUnit: 'degree'
  3. Set up an equidistant cylindrical map projection:

    ax = axesm('MapProjection', 'eqdcylin');
    axis off
    setm(ax,'GLineStyle','-', 'Grid','on','Frame','on')
  4. Draw a graticule with parallel and meridian labels at 60° intervals:

    setm(ax, 'MlabelLocation', 60, 'PlabelLocation',[-30 30],...
        'MLabelParallel','north', 'MeridianLabel','on',...
        'PlineLocation',[-30 30])
  5. Map the data using geoshow and display with a color ramp and legend:

    geoshow(miniZ, miniR, 'DisplayType', 'texturemap');

    Coarse world map with color bar

Note that the first row of the matrix is displayed at the bottom of the map, while the last row is displayed at the top.

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