Explore Layers on Same Server
You might find a layer you like in the WMS Database and want to find other layers on the same server. You can explore other layers by using a capabilities document.
Specify the URL of the NASA SVS Image Server. Use the wmsinfo
function to return the contents of the capabilities document as a WMSCapabilities
object. A capabilities document is an XML document containing metadata that describes the geographic content a server offers.
serverURL = 'http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/wms?';
capabilities = wmsinfo(serverURL)
capabilities = WMSCapabilities Properties: ServerTitle: 'NASA SVS Image Server' ServerURL: 'http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/wms?' ServiceName: 'WMS' Version: '1.3.0' Abstract: 'Web Map Server maintained by the Scientific Visualization Studio at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center' OnlineResource: 'http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/' ContactInformation: [1x1 struct] AccessConstraints: 'none' Fees: 'none' KeywordList: {} ImageFormats: {'image/png'} LayerNames: {326x1 cell} Layer: [326x1 WMSLayer] AccessDate: '08-Apr-2021' Methods
Set the layer titles to a variable. View the first ten titles.
layerTitles = {capabilities.Layer.LayerTitle}'; layerTitles(1:10)
ans = 10×1 cell
{'African Fires During 2002 (1024x1024 Animation)' }
{'Background Image for African Fires During 2002 (WMS)' }
{'Aurora over the North Pole on April 17, 1999 (360x100 Animation)' }
{'Background Image for Aurora over the North Pole on April 17, 1999 (WMS)' }
{'Satellite Imagery of Hurricane Dennis (512x512 Animation)' }
{'Cumulative Earthquake Activity from 1980 through 1995 (1024x512 Animation)' }
{'Background Image for Cumulative Earthquake Activity from 1980 through 1995 (WMS)' }
{'Global Infrared Cloud Cover, September 2001 (2852x1009 Animation)' }
{'Foreground Image for Global Infrared Cloud Cover, September 2001 (WMS)' }
{'Infrared Cloud Cover over the Atlantic Ocean, September 2001 (1024x1009 Animation)'}
Read the layer containing tropospheric ozone impacts. Display the map.
layerTitle = 'Tropospheric Ozone Impacts Global Climate Warming';
layer = refine(capabilities.Layer,layerTitle);
[A,R] = wmsread(layer);
This layer contains data from different years. You can examine the available data by accessing the layer.Details.Dimension
ans = struct with fields:
Name: 'time'
Units: 'ISO8601'
UnitSymbol: ''
Default: '1994-'
MultipleValues: 0
NearestValue: 0
Current: 0
Extent: '1884-/1994-/P1Y'
Display the map for the year 1884 and compare it with the map for 1994, the default year (displayed previously).
year = '1884'; [A2,R] = wmsread(layer,'Time',year); figure worldmap(A2,R) geoshow(A2,R) title({layer.LayerTitle,year})