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Point on opposite side of globe


[newlat,newlon] = antipode(lat,lon)
[newlat,newlon] = antipode(lat,lon,angleunits)


[newlat,newlon] = antipode(lat,lon) returns the geographic coordinates of the points exactly opposite on the globe from the input points given by lat and lon. All angles are in degrees.

[newlat,newlon] = antipode(lat,lon,angleunits) where angleunits specifies the input and output units as either 'degrees' or 'radians'. It can be abbreviated and is case-insensitive.


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Given a point (43ºN, 15ºE), find its antipode:

[newlat,newlong] = antipode(43,15)
newlat =


newlong =


or (43ºS, 165ºW).

Perhaps the most obvious antipodal points are the North and South Poles. The function antipode demonstrates this:

[newlat,newlong] = antipode(90,0,'degrees')
newlat =


newlong =


Note that in this case longitudes are irrelevant because all meridians converge at the poles.

This example shows how to find the antipode of the location of the MathWorks corporate headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts. The example maps the headquarters location and its antipode in an orthographic projection.

Specify latitude and longitude as degree-minutes-seconds and then convert to decimal degrees.

mwlat = dms2degrees([ 42 18 2.5])
mwlat = 
mwlon = dms2degrees([-71 21 7.9])
mwlon = 

Find the antipode.

[amwlat amwlon] = antipode(mwlat,mwlon)
amwlat = 
amwlon = 

Prove that these points are antipodes. The distance function shows them to be 180 degrees apart.

dist = distance(mwlat,mwlon,amwlat,amwlon)
dist = 

Generate a map centered on the original point and then another map centered on the antipode.

axesm ('MapProjection','ortho','origin',[mwlat mwlon],...
load coastlines
title(sprintf('Looking down at\n(%s,%s)', ...
    angl2str(mwlat,'ns'), angl2str(mwlon,'ew')))

axesm ('MapProjection','ortho','origin',[amwlat amwlon],...
title(sprintf('Looking down at\n(%s,%s)', ...
    angl2str(amwlat,'ns'), angl2str(amwlon,'ew')))

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Looking down at ( blank 42 . 30 toThePowerOf degree baseline blank N blank , blank 71 . 35 toThePowerOf degree baseline blank W blank ) contains 5 objects of type patch, line. Axes object 2 with title Looking down at ( blank 42 . 30 toThePowerOf degree baseline blank S blank , blank 108 . 65 toThePowerOf degree baseline blank E blank ) contains 5 objects of type patch, line.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a