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Fill in regular data grid from seed values and locations


newgrid = encodem(Z,seedmat)
newgrid = encodem(Z,seedmat,stopvals)


newgrid = encodem(Z,seedmat) fills in regions of the input data grid, Z, with desired new values. The boundary consists of the edges of the matrix and any entries with the value 1. The seeds, or starting points, and the values associated with them, are specified by the three-column matrix seedmat, the rows of which have the form [row column value].

newgrid = encodem(Z,seedmat,stopvals) allows you to specify a vector, stopvals, of stopping values. Any value that is an element of stopvals will act as a boundary.

This function fills in regions of data grids with desired values. If a boundary exists, the new value replaces all entries in all four directions until the boundary is reached. The boundary is made up of selected stopping values and the edges of the matrix. The new value tries to flood the region exhaustively, stopping only when no new spaces can be reached by moving up, down, left, or right without hitting a stopping value.


For this imaginary map, fill in the upper right region with 7s and the lower left region with 3s:

Z = eye(4)

Z =
     1     0     0     0
     0     1     0     0
     0     0     1     0
     0     0     0     1

newgrid = encodem(Z,[4,1,3; 1,4,7])

newgrid =
     1     7     7     7
     3     1     7     7
     3     3     1     7
     3     3     3     1

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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