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Cancel Action Goal

Cancel active action goal in ROS 2 network

Since R2024a

  • ROS 2 Cancel Action Goal block icon

ROS Toolbox / ROS 2


The Cancel Action Goal block enables you to cancel an active action goal in a ROS 2 network. This block accepts the UUID input as a Simulink non-virtual bus of unique_identifier_msgs/UUID message type.


To use this block, you must have at least one Send Action Goal that provides the UUID input to this block.



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Unique ID dedicated to any goal message, specified as a non-virtual bus of message type unique_identifier_msgs/UUID.

Data Types: bus

Boolean value to send cancel request for an active action goal, specified as a non-virtual bus set to true (1) or false (0). If you set the Enable port to true and a goal corresponding to the UUID input is running, this block sends a cancel goal request to the action server in the same time step.

Data Types: Boolean


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Response message for cancel goal request, specified as a non-virtual bus of action_msgs/CancelGoalResponse message type. If the action server accepts the cancel goal request, the goal will transition to canceling state.

Data Types: bus

Error conditions while canceling action goal, specified as an integer.

Error CodeCondition
0The action client sent the cancel goal request to the action server successfully.
1The action goal cannot be cancelled because it is rejected or already in a terminal state. Terminal state refers to one of these action goal states:
  • Goal is in succeeded state.

  • Goal is in canceled state.

  • Goal is in aborted state.

2The action client failed to send the cancel goal request but the action server is available.
3The action client failed to send the cancel goal request because the action server is unavailable.


This output is enabled when the Show ErrorCode output port is checked.

Data Types: uint8


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Check this box to enable the ErrorCode output. If an error condition occurs, the Response port outputs a blank message specified as a non-virtual bus of action_msgs/CancelGoalResponse message type.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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