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Build options

Defines how Simulink® Coder™ software responds when you press Ctrl+B to build your model.

Build action

Default: Build, load, and run

Build, load, and run

With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into an executable with libraries.

  3. Loads the executable and libraries into the NXP FRDM-K64F hardware board.

  4. Runs the executable in the NXP FRDM-K64F hardware board.


With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into an executable with libraries.

This option does not load and run the executable on the NXP FRDM-K64F hardware board.


This parameter is the firmware chosen during the setup to run your model on the board.


This parameter appears dimmed.


Default: Segger's J-Link OpenSDA V2 firmware

See Also