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Block Authoring

Create custom queues and servers using discrete-event system objects

SimEvents® library provides ready-to-use common design patterns that you can incorporate into your model. These patterns include models for random entity generation, random service time, and custom behavior for the Entity Gate block, the Discrete-Event Chart block, and the MATLAB Discrete-Event System block. For more information, see SimEvents Common Design Patterns.

If the provided patterns are not sufficient for your design, you can use MATLAB Discrete-Event System block which extends System objects to create custom SimEvents blocks in your model. This capability is useful for including algorithms. The Discrete-Event Chart block uses Stateflow® charts and messages to create custom blocks in your model. This capability is useful for creating application-oriented blocks and add-on software. Examples of such software are real-time operating system schedules and communication networks. The block requires a Stateflow license. For information about block authoring and simulation integration in Simulink®, see Block and Blockset Authoring.


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