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Controlled Reservoir (G)

Boundary conditions for gas network at time-varying pressure and temperature

  • Controlled Reservoir (G) block

Simscape / Foundation Library / Gas / Elements


The Controlled Reservoir (G) block represents an infinite reservoir at variable pressure and temperature. Port A, a gas conserving port, represents the reservoir inlet. Port P, a physical signal port, provides the reservoir pressure control signal. Port T, a physical signal port, provides the reservoir temperature control signal.

The volume of gas inside the reservoir is assumed infinite. Therefore, the flow is assumed quasi-steady.

Gas enters and leaves the reservoir at the reservoir pressure, but its temperature is determined by the direction of gas flow. If gas flows into the reservoir, its temperature is determined by the gas network upstream. The reservoir acts as a heat sink. If gas flows out of the reservoir, its temperature equals that of the reservoir. The reservoir acts as a heat source.

Assumptions and Limitations

  • Gas in the reservoir is quasi-steady.




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Physical signal port that provides the reservoir pressure control signal.

Physical signal port that provides the reservoir temperature control signal.


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Gas conserving port associated with the reservoir inlet.


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The cross-sectional area of the reservoir inlet, in the direction normal to gas flow path.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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