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Display slider widget

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Simulink Support Package for Android Devices add-on.


Simulink Support Package for Android Devices / User Interface

  • Slider block


Display a slider widget on the device screen.

The Slider block port outputs a single precision value. The output value depends on the position of the slider along the length of the bar. When you slide to the leftmost position, the slider outputs the value of the Minimum parameter. When you slide to the rightmost position, the slider outputs the value of Maximum parameter.


For simulations with no hardware connected, this block outputs the initial value.



The minimum value that the slider widget can output.

Initial value

The initial value and position of the slider when the app starts.


The maximum value that the slider widget can output.


The smallest discrete increment change possible in the output value.

Sample time

The frequency with which the slider value is read and output.

Smaller values for Sample time require the processor to complete the same number of instructions in less time, which can cause task overruns.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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