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Pause co-simulation with 3D simulation engine

Since R2024a


    pause(world) pauses the co-simulation with the 3D simulation engine at the current simulation time.

    pause(world,pauseTime) pauses the co-simulation after the time duration specified in pauseTime.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    World object where the simulation is to be paused, specified as a sim3d.World object.

    Example: world = sim3d.World

    Time until simulation pauses, specified as a real positive scalar, in s. Pause time refers to the duration after which the simulation stops updating its state. You can set a value for pause time to pause the simulation. When the simulation is paused, you can analyze, debug, or troubleshoot your model performance.

    The default value of pauseTime denotes the current simulation time, SimulationTime. The pauseTime should be greater than or equal to the SimulationTime for the simulation to pause.

    Data Types: single

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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