View Animations or Virtual Worlds with Orbisnap
This topic assumes that you have a prerecorded WRL animation
file or an existing virtual world file. This procedure uses a file
named vr_bounce_anim.wrl
Start Orbisnap. For example, in Windows® double-click
.This file is an Orbisnap starter file that calls the Orbisnap executable. Orbisnap is displayed.
In Orbisnap, select File > Open.
A file browser is displayed.
Browse to the folder that contains the prerecorded WRL animation file or virtual world you want to view.
Select the virtual world or prerecorded WRL file you want to view.
Click Open.
The file is displayed. If the file is an animation file, the simulation begins.
To close Orbisnap, select File > Close.
Using the menus, toolbar, and navigation panel, you can perform many of the same operations on the virtual world that you can with the Simulink® 3D Animation™ Viewer. See Orbisnap Interface for an overview of the Orbisnap interface. See Start Orbisnap for a description of the Orbisnap command-line options.