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Class: slmetric.config.Configuration
Namespace: slmetric.config

(To be removed) Obtain metric family Check Group IDs

The Metrics Dashboard user interface, metricdashboard function, slmetric package API, and corresponding customizations will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Migrating from Metrics Dashboard to Model Maintainability Dashboard.


ArraysValue = getMetricFamilyParameterValues(config,... 'ModelAdvisorStandard')


For an slmetric.config.Configuration object, use the ArraysValue = getMetricFamilyParameterValues(config,... 'ModelAdvisorStandard') method to obtain the metric family parameter values. These values are the Check Group IDs corresponding to the check groups for which you obtain compliance and issues metric data. Compliance metric data is the percentage of passed checks. Issues metric data is the number of check issues.

Input Arguments

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slmetric.config.Configuration object for which to obtain checks groups that have compliance and issues metric data.

String that you must supply as an input.

Output Arguments

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Cell array of metric family parameter values. For an slmetric.config.Configuration object, these values are the check groups for obtaining compliance and issues metric data.


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Obtain compliance and issues metric data on the Modeling Standards for MISRA C:2012, MAB, and High-Integrity Systems check groups.

Open the default configuration.

config =;

Specify the metric family parameter ID, famParamID, and the metric family parameter values, values. The values maab and hisl_do178 correspond to subsets of MAAB checks and High-Integrity System checks. The MISRA value _SYSTEM_By Task_misra_c is the Check Group ID for the MISRA check group Modeling Standards for MISRA C:2012.

famParamID = 'ModelAdvisorStandard';
values = {'maab', 'hisl_do178', '_SYSTEM_By Task_misra_c'};
setMetricFamilyParameterValues(config, famParamID, values); 

To obtain the Model Advisor Check Group ID for a group of checks, open the Model Advisor Configuration Editor and select the desired folder of checks. The Check Group ID is shown in the Information tab. For more information on the Model Advisor Configuration Editor, see Use Model Advisor Configuration Editor to Customize Model Advisor.

Check the metric family parameter values associated with the slmetric.config.Configuration object.

ValuesArray = getMetricFamilyParameterValues(config, famParamID);

This code is for the ValuesArray cell array:

ValuesArray =

  3×1 cell array

    {'_SYSTEM_By Task_misra_c'}
    {'hisl_do178'             }
    {'maab'                   }

Save the new configuration.'FileName', 'MetricConfig.xml');

Set the active Metrics Dashboard configuration.

slmetric.config.setActiveConfiguration(fullfile(pwd, 'MetricConfig.xml'));

For more information, see Customize Metrics Dashboard Layout and Functionality.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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R2022a: Metrics Dashboard will be removed

The Metrics Dashboard user interface, metricdashboard function, slmetric package API, and corresponding customizations will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Migrating from Metrics Dashboard to Model Maintainability Dashboard.