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Stream Data Source

Generate continuous stream data

  • Stream Data Source block

SoC Blockset / Hardware Logic Testbench


The Stream Data Source block generates stream data to advanced extensible interface AXI4-based stream data interface blocks. You can use this block as a test source block for simulating AXI4-based stream data applications.

The block accepts a control bus and outputs stream data along with a control bus.



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Control bus from the data consumer signaling that data consumer is ready to accept stream data. This control bus comprises a ready signal.

Data Types: StreamS2MBusObj


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Output stream data to the data consumer. This value is returned as a scalar or vector.

You can change the data type of the output stream data. For more information, see the Data type parameter.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Control bus to the data consumer, returned as a bus. This control bus comprises these control signals:

  • valid — Indicates the output data on the wrData output port is valid

  • tlast — Indicates the end of the data transaction

Data Types: StreamM2SBusObj


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Select the data type format for the output stream data.

Click the button to display the Data Type Assistant, which helps you to set the data type for the wrData output port. For details, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant.

Specify the dimensions of the output stream data as a positive scalar or an array.

Example: 1 specifies a scalar sample.

Example: [10 1] specifies a vector of ten scalars.

Length of the single burst, specified as a positive integer.

Total number of bursts generated from the block, specified as a positive integer.

Specify the generation type for the output as one of these values:

  • counter — Generate data from a counter, based on the selected data type.

  • random — Generate a random data.

  • ones — Generate data with all the bits as ones, based on the selected data type.

  • workspace — Generate data from the MATLAB® workspace.

Specify the value from which the counter starts. The valid range of counter values depends on the selected value for the Data type parameter. If this value is out of the valid range, it is rounded off to the nearest valid value.

For example, if Data type is uint8 and this value is 6.787, this value is rounded to 7.


To enable this parameter, set the Data generation parameter to counter.

Specify the variable name from which output stream data is generated. This parameter can be any MATLAB-supported variable name.


The workspace variable must be a numerical array.


To enable this parameter, set the Data generation parameter to workspace.

Specify a time interval in seconds to define how often the block updates.

Specify the Sample time parameter as a scalar when you do not want the output to have a time offset. To add a time offset to the output, specify the Sample time parameter as a 1-by-2 vector where the first element is the sampling period and the second element is the offset. For more information about sample times in Simulink®, see Specify Sample Time.

Time after which the next burst occurs. This value must be a nonnegative integer.

Extended Capabilities

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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