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View an image of BBC micro:bit showing all the pins on the edge connector



showPins(microbitObj) displays an image of BBC micro:bit, specified as a microbit object, showing all the 25 pins on the edge connector.


collapse all

Autodetect and connect to a BBC micro:bit board.

microbitObj = microbit
microbitObj = 
  microbit with properties:

                  Port: "COM4"
  AvailableDigitalPins: ["P0-P16"]
      AvailablePWMPins: ["P0-P10", "P12-P16"]
   AvailableAnalogPins: ["P0-P4", "P10"] 
    AvailableI2CBusIDs: 1
Show all properties, functions, latest values

View the image of BBC micro:bit showing all the pins on the edge connector.


Input Arguments

collapse all

BBC micro:bit hardware connection, specified as a microbit object created with the microbit function.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

See Also
