Process Data
Use MATLAB® add-on toolboxes to prepare and process your data for visualization or to
trigger actions
You can process channel data to find statistically significant results. For example, you can retrieve financial data for analysis, and use filtering to uncover signals of interest.
- Find Mean of Data Ignoring NaN Values
This example shows how to find the mean of data in a ThingSpeak™ channel while ignoring the NaN values.
- Peak Analysis of Data
This example shows how to perform basic peak analysis of data in your ThingSpeak™ channel.
- Identify Irregularly Sampled Data
Identify irregularly sampled data in a ThingSpeak™ channel.
- Regularize Irregularly Sampled Data
Update timestamps of data in a ThingSpeak™ channel to remove irregularity.
- Remove Outliers in Your Data
This example shows how to detect and remove outliers in your ThingSpeak™ channel data using a Hampel filter.