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Troubleshooting Connected I/O


Simulink® timer is very slow while running Connected I/O simulation.


This is due to presence of blocks with very less sample times. There is a two-way communication between Simulink and the Autopilot while running Connected I/O simulation. This introduces an inherent time overhead for a particular block execution. To resolve the issue, set the sample time of blocks to more than the block execution time for connected I/O simulation. For example, if there are two blocks and block execution time is 20 milliseconds for a block. Then set the minimum sample time of the model as 20*2 = 40 milliseconds. For PX4® Host target this minimum block Execution time is around 10-20 ms and for PX4 hardware boards it is around 20-30 ms.

Troubleshooting Connected I/O with PX4 Host Target


If the system you are using is running slow, following error might appear while starting Connected I/O simulation. This is because PX4 host target and jMAVSim takes more time to launch.

error message


To resolve the issue:

  • Wait till PX4 host target and jMAVSim is launched properly.

  • Start connected I/O simulation again. On the Hardware tab, in the Mode section, select Connected IO and then click Run with IO.


With PX4 v1.10 update, some uORB messages stops updating after an hour. This issue might occur with Connected I/O simulation also.


To resolve the issue:

  • Stop simulation and close PX4 Host Target window.

  • Start connected I/O simulation again by clicking Run on Modeling tab.

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