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Extract UAV flight log signals as timetables

Since R2020b


signals = extract(mapper,data,signalNames) obtains signals with the given names signalNames as timetables from imported flight log, data. Import your flight log using mavlinktlog or ulogreader.

signals = extract(mapper,data,signalNames,timeStart) obtains signals with the given names with time stamps greater than or equal to timeStart.

signals = extract(mapper,data,signalNames,timeStart,timeEnd) obtains signals with the given names with time stamps within the interval [timeStart timeEnd] inclusive.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Flight log signal mapping object, specified as a flightLogSignalMapping object.

Flight log data, specified as a table.

Signal names to extract from log, specified as a string array.

Initial time stamp for signal to extract, specified as a duration object.

Final time stamp for signal to extract, specified as a duration object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Extracted signals, returned as a cell array. Each signal name maps to an element of the cell array.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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