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The mouth detection using Viola-Jones face detection algorithm shows several mis-detection also. What can I do for accurate mouth detection?

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The mouth detection based on Viola-Jones face detection algorithm shows several mis-detection also. What can I do for accurate mouth detection?
The code is as follows;
MouthDetect = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('Mouth','MergeThreshold',16);
imshow(I); hold on
for i = 1:size(BB,1)
title('Mouth Detection');
hold off;
Used software: Matlab 2012a

Answers (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Oct 2013
You might need to tune the parameters to the size of the mouth in your pictures. Otherwise, go here,%20Detection,%20Tracking,%20Gesture%20Recognition,%20Fingerprints,%20Biometrics for a better algorithm. Look expecially at this section: " Mouth Location, Lip Location, Detection "

Subhrakanti Manna
Subhrakanti Manna on 6 Aug 2017
clc; clear; close all; mouth_detect = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('Mouth', 'MergeThreshold', 300); read_image = imread('distract_001001-000000.jpg'); bounding_box=step(mouth_detect, read_image); figure, imshow(read_image); hold on for i = 1 : size(bounding_box, 1) rectangle('Position',bounding_box(i, :), 'LineWidth', 4, 'LineStyle', '-', 'EdgeColor', 'r'); end title('Mouth Detection'); hold off;
Same code just change threshold value to 300 if u r using matlab 2017a. I have tested on this version on mac. Otherwise 16 and default value will not work.

Justin Pinkney
Justin Pinkney on 31 Jan 2020
You can try this deep learning based face detector:
It outputs the location of eyes, nose and mouth corners as well as the face bounding box, and has much better performance than the built in vision.CascadeObjectDetector

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