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flood forecasting feed forward

5 views (last 30 days)
Rajat on 23 Jan 2014
Commented: Rajat on 28 Jan 2014
I am trying to Build my Model for Flood Forecast in my area of study, I have studied and have understood how feed-forward algorithm Works, But i am unsure on how to begin writing the code. please Provide some help and also if possible provide some links form where i can learn more

Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 23 Jan 2014
Forecasting implies predicting the future. If this is the case, use one of
help narxnet % Delayed input and delayed output feedback
doc narxnet
help narnet % Delayed output feedback but no input
doc narnet
help timedelaynet % Delayed input but no output feedback
doc timedelaynet
In addition you can search posted examples in NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS. For example,
greg narxnet
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Jan 2014
What difficulty are you encountering, Rajat ?
Rajat on 28 Jan 2014
hello Walter, i am not understanding on how to begin writing the code as i am new to it. can you please help me with it

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