Clear Filters
Clear Filters

How to do embedding of watermark using PN sequence in audio signal using frequency hopping technique ?

3 views (last 30 days)
For my project I am refering to the paper in which these lines are mentioned:-
Watermark embedded into the audio signal in frequency domain is the pseudorandom noise sequence. Depending on which bit is to be embedded the process varies :– if bit 1 is to be embedded the value of the coefficient with lower frequency is set to be k dB above the mean value, while the value of the other coefficient is set to be k dB below the mean value. If bit 0 is to be embedded the operation is done vice versa. The fact that mean value of each sub-band remains unchanged is used when removing the watermark.
For this I have written a code but I am not getting the unchanged mean. mean is getting changed. what should be done for getting unchanged mean.
  • [f Fs]=wavread('timbaland.wav');
  • N = length(f);
  • slength = N/Fs;
  • nf=1024; %number of point in DTFT
  • Y = fft(f,nf);
  • x = randn(1, N) + cos(2*pi*100/1024*(0:N-1));
  • x(1024*ceil(end/1024)) = 0;
  • z = reshape(x, 1024, []);
  • y = 20*log10(abs(fft(z)));
  • one_count = 0;
  • zero_count = 0;
  • G=1023; % Code length
  • sd1 =randsrc(1,10,[0 1]); % Initial state of Shift register
  • PN1=[];
  • j=0;
  • sd(1)=0;
  • % First m-sequence
  • for j=1:G
  • PN1=[PN1 sd1(5)];
  • if sd1(1)==sd1(4)
  • temp1=0;
  • zero_count = minus_count + 1;
  • else temp1=1;
  • one_count = one_count + 1;
  • end
  • sd1(1)=sd1(2);
  • sd1(2)=sd1(3);
  • sd1(3)=sd1(4);
  • sd1(4)=sd1(5);
  • sd1(5)=sd1(6);
  • sd1(6)=sd1(7);
  • sd1(7)=sd1(8);
  • sd1(8)=sd1(9);
  • sd1(9)=sd1(10);
  • sd1(10)=temp1;
  • %disp(j);
  • %disp(sd1);
  • end
  • %disp(one_count);
  • %disp(zero_count);
  • g=autocorr(PN1);
  • %key
  • key=PN1;
  • [m,n]=size(y);
  • vks = [];
  • for i=1:1
  • temp= y(:,i);
  • mean1= mean(temp);
  • %disp(mean1);
  • low = 0; high = n;
  • index1 = low + (high-low) * rand;
  • index1 = round(index1);
  • if index1==0
  • index1 = 1;
  • end
  • %fprintf('Index1 = %d',index1);
  • %disp(strcat('Index1 = ', num2str(index1)));
  • fv= temp(index1,1);
  • low = 0; high = n;
  • index2 = low + (high-low) * rand;
  • index2 = round(index2);
  • %fprintf('Index2 = %d',index2);
  • if index2==0
  • index2 = 1;
  • end
  • fsv= temp(index2,1);
  • diff= mean1-20;
  • K= (diff/mean1)*100;
  • lf = 0;
  • hf = 0;
  • if (fv < mean1)
  • lf = fv;
  • hf = fsv;
  • loc1 = index1;
  • loc2 = index2;
  • else
  • lf = fsv;
  • hf = fv;
  • loc1 = index2;
  • loc2 = index1;
  • end
  • addi = 0;
  • subst = 0;
  • for j=1:length(key)
  • if(key(j) == 1)
  • disp('Bit is 1');
  • lf = mean1 + K;
  • hf = mean1 - K;
  • addi = addi + lf;
  • subst = subst + hf;
  • end
  • if(key(j) == 0)
  • disp('Bit is 0');
  • lf = mean1 - K;
  • hf = mean1 + K;
  • addi = addi + hf;
  • subst = subst + lf;
  • end
  • temp(loc1) = lf;
  • temp(loc2) = hf;
  • end
  • mean2= mean(temp);
  • %disp(mean2);
  • vks(:,i) = temp;
  • end
please tell me where i have done the mistake in this code. and also tell me that after doing fft only we get the coefficients ? Please reply as earliest possible. Thanks in advance. Link for whole document from where above lines are taken : Frequency Hopping Method for Audio Watermarking

Answers (1)

korada pavankumar
korada pavankumar on 12 Feb 2019
  • zero_count = minus_count + 1;
In this step , u are using minus count but in ur code u r not assigning any value so instead of minus count use zero count u get output.
  • zero_count = zero_count + 1;

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