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Why does double clicking run an m file instead of open it in the editor?

5 views (last 30 days)
Among numerous other issues with R2012a (messed up associations, no Start Menu shortcuts, extremely slow start times, etc.), when I double click on an m file in Windows Explorer, Matlab starts but tries (and usually fails) to execute the script (and usually fails). This is incredibly annoying and completely different from any other version of Matlab I have used. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit.
How can I change this behavior so that double clicking opens the m file in the Matlab Editor (not the standalone editor, but the editor in the full Matlab program)?
Andy Yancy
Andy Yancy on 5 Apr 2014
OK, thanks. Apparently this is much more difficult to fix in Windows 7 than in XP. I don't blame you for sticking with XP as long as possible. Windows 7 is inferior in a million little ways and superior in 0 ways that I have found so far. (The lack of an up arrow in the file manager alone is going to drive you crazy when you finally make the switch!)
dpb on 5 Apr 2014
I see MS apparently broke it...that sucks big time. :(
I found a couple of links to some freeware utilities that seem to claim they bring back the functionality, otherwise it appears one would have to resort to registry editing manually. What a crock...
"I know nuthink!" (to quote Sgt Schultz) about either of the above.
I rarely if ever use Windwoes Explorer so probably wouldn't miss that particular keystroke/functionality but certainly the above is a killer, indeed.

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