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beginner: writing a function for code

1 view (last 30 days)
Adrienne on 20 May 2014
Commented: Adrienne on 20 May 2014
what would this be in writing a function called "event detection algorithm"
%%2.2 Calculation of Jump Height Data
% make the data positive, set a threshold (including noise) for
% baseline. tnf = total number of frames
% =================================================================
fz = -data(:,1);
fzmin= min(fz);
fzthres= fzmin+5+n; %%sets threshold
to= find(fz<fzthres,1,'first'); %%take-off
td= find(fz(to:end)>fzthres,1,'first'); %%touch-down
td= td+to -1; %%point of landing, global number
tnf= (td-to); %%jumper in the air
tof= (tnf*fr); %%time of flight eq
jh(i,1)=(-g*(tof.^2)/8); %%jump height eq
fzminMN = nanmean(fz(to:td)); %%mean min across time part
fz= fz + abs(fzminMN);

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 20 May 2014
I would call this just "a chunk of code" though some people may use different terminology. Why do you ask?
Adrienne on 20 May 2014
I was just thinking, about how I could make my code look neater, and I heard someone talk about user functions. I understand the simple ones, but this one wouldn't be simple. I know the end result it jump height (jt)
fz = -data(:,1);
fzmin= min(fz);
fzthres= fzmin+5+n; %%sets threshold
to= find(fz<fzthres,1,'first'); %%take-off
td= find(fz(to:end)>fzthres,1,'first'); %%touchdown
I know this are^^^ all inputs then tof, tnf, and jh are the outputs with jh being the overall desired output but I have no idea of how to put this into a function.
Adrienne on 20 May 2014
sorry my internet is dodgy atm!

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