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Plot world map with nation borders and defining facecolor per country

74 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
What I try to accomplish: a world map with country borders, and adjustable facecolor per country and ideally also the names of the nations.
I'm working on a project at which I'd like to visualize each country's political risk. A country colored in red stands for a high political risk, yellow a medium risk and green a low risk. It should look like this map from Maplecroft. I could just use the Maplecroft picture, but I'd like all pictures of my report to be in the same style.
My trials and errors:
  • I've tried the worldmap function, but couldn't find out how to get the nation borders and additionally how to adjust the colors of the nations.
  • The plot_map and worlddatamap function as defined here and here . However I could not figure out how to color the individual countries/nations.
Would be great to hear from you.
Jelle on 24 Jun 2014
Dear José-Luis,
Thanks a lot for your quick response!
I think that's exactly what I'm looking for, a file which contains the shape of each individual country. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find such a file. As far as you know, is such a file available?
Best regards,

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Answers (1)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 3 Apr 2015
The borders function does this easily.


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