symbols in axes titles in .fig
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How can I change the axes names with symbols in a .fig figure file without the .m file?
Accepted Answer
on 7 Jul 2014
Edited: Ben11
on 7 Jul 2014
Do you mean in GUIDE? If so double click on the axes and the inspector should pop up, then you can change the axes properties. Is that what you meant? Or the title of the actual plot displayed inside the axis?
Image Analyst
on 8 Jul 2014
Selis, then why did you accept the answer? It leaves us wondering if you need help or not anymore. If you do, then start a new question since not many people will look at this one anymore since you accepted it.
More Answers (1)
Geoff Hayes
on 8 Jul 2014
Adding text with symbols to an axes on the GUI is no different than when you create a figure through an m file.
For example, a simple GUI with one axes named (see the Tag property of the widget) axes1 can have its title, x- and y-axis labels set with symbols in the figure's yourFigureName_OpeningFcn method (where yourFigureName is the name of your figure/GUI).
Just add (to this method) something similar to the following
title(handles.axes1,'{\itAe}^{-\alpha\itt}sin\beta{\itt} \alpha<<\beta')
xlabel(handles.axes1,'Time \musec.')
A full list of supported symbols can be found in the String section of
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