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Want to calculate the mean value of each row but found error "Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file must be the same as previous lines" ?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hallo i want to ask about my error script, So i want to calculate the mean value of each row in the file from column 4 and each row doesn't has the same number of column. I used this script
format short;
f = dir('D:\full_Data_Cryosat_c2p0004.txt');
for A = 1 : length(f)
data = load(D);
data(isnan(data)) = 0;
averaged = zeros( size(data,1), 4);
averaged(:,1) = data(:,1);
for j = 1 : size(data,1)
averaged(j, 4) = mean( data(j, 4:end) );
file = fopen(strcat('MSL_',D ),'w');
fprintf(file,'%12.6f %12.6f\n', averaged' );
Sample of my file in the attachments file.
But found error like this
Error using load
Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file full_Data_Cryosat_c2p0004.txt
must be the same as previous lines.
Error in script_msl (line 11)
data = load(D);
Thanks for helping me out guys

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Sep 2021
Edited: Walter Roberson on 28 Sep 2021
Mean value of each column (I misread at some point)
filename = '';
S = readlines(filename);
Snum = cellfun(@(s) sscanf(s, '%f', [1 inf]), S, 'uniform', 0);
longest = max(cellfun(@length, Snum));
padded = cell2mat(cellfun(@(s) [s, nan(1,longest-numel(s))], Snum, 'uniform', 0));
ans = 1×2
494 31
means = mean(padded(:,4:end), 'omitnan')
means = 1×28
0.9759 0.7547 0.9479 0.9733 1.2691 1.4854 1.7781 1.6963 1.5994 1.3001 1.1438 1.0408 1.0178 0.9148 0.8020 0.9430 1.2950 1.1150 0.9660 NaN 1.1100 1.1120 0.8370 0.8440 1.0500 0.7850 0.6400 0.9590
Retno Purwaningsih
Retno Purwaningsih on 1 Oct 2021
i used script from your latest comment but still face an error like this
Error using cellfun
Non-scalar in Uniform output, at index 1, output 1.
Set 'UniformOutput' to false.
Error in script_msl (line 13)
data = cellfun(@(s) sscanf(s, '%f', [1 inf]), S);
Thankss for the answer
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Oct 2021
format short;
f = dir('D:\full_Data_Cryosat_c2p0004.txt');
readlines = @(F)regexp(fileread(F),'\r?\n','split');
for A = 1 : length(f)
D = f(A).name;
ff = D(:,19:25);
S = readlines(D);
data = cellfun(@(s) sscanf(s, '%f', [1 inf]), S, 'uniform', 0);
mask = cellfun(@length, data) < 4;
data(mask) = []; %get rid of lines too short
referensi = cellfun(@(L) L(1), data);
lat = cellfun(@(L) L(2), data);
lon = cellfun(@(L) L(3), data);
means = cellfun(@(L) mean(L(4:end), 'omitnan'), data);
msl = [referensi(:), lat(:), lon(:), means(:)];
file_name = ['Msl_' ff];
dlmwrite(file_name, msl, 'delimiter', '\t');

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