Matrix form for a square lattice arrangement.

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Question: I want to have a matrix form for hopping between nearest points on a square lattice.
My Attempt: To start and explain the idea I do that on a 1D lattice like shown in the figure
The matrixForm for this case comes from this.
I create a 1D chain using the following code (I use a fucntion SquareGrid defined below)
N = 3; % Number of points
pts = squareGrid([0 0 (N-1) 0], [1 1]);
scatter(pts(:,1),pts(:,2),50,'o', 'filled')
Now I want a matrixform such that I can see hopping between the sites which are neigbors. First and last sites are linked. For this i do the following.
N =5; % Number of sites
t = 1; % value for hopping
t_vec = repmat(t, [1,N-1]); % making a vector of size N-1 with t
H_tb = diag(t_vec, 1) + diag(t_vec, -1);
H_tb(1,5) = t; H_tb(5,1) = t; % linking first and last points
H_tb = 5×5
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
Now I have the matricform as shown above which does what I wanted for a 1D chain. Now i want to do the same for 2D, square lattice. This is where I am stuck. How do make a matrixform such as above which takes into account all the hoppings between nearest sites? Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.
pts = squareGrid([0 0 1 1], [1 1]);
scatter(pts(:,1),pts(:,2),50,'o', 'filled')
For this I use a function SquareGrid as below.
function varargout = squareGrid(bounds, dim)
% dim(xsep, ysep) eg. dim(4,2) makes separation b/w points xpoints as 4 and
% ypoints as 2
x1 = bounds(1);
x2 = bounds(3);
lx = (x1: dim(1):x2)';
y1 = bounds(2);
y2 = bounds(4);
ly = (y1: dim(2):y2)';
%number of points in each coordinate
nx = length(lx);
ny = length(ly);
np = nx * ny;
%Creating Points
pts = zeros(np,2);
for i = 1:ny
pts((1:nx)' + (i-1) * nx, 1) =lx;
pts( (1:nx)'+(i-1)*nx, 2) = ly(i);
if nargout > 0 % if number of function arguments is > zero
varargout{1} = pts;
Vira Roy
Vira Roy on 6 Oct 2021
Thanks for your reply Matt. I do want to genralise it for arbitrary n but for this sake I am looking at a 2 *2 grid of square lattice. In the end i would like to do higher n like 3 or 4. I merely want to undersatnd the technique to do that.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 6 Oct 2021
For an arbitray lattice, you can always just use pdist2,
This is without your circulant end conditions. The circulancy doesn't generalize in any obvious way to hexagonal or other arbitrary lattices, so I don't know in general what you would want to do. For a rectangular lattice, you would do,
e11=pts(:,1)==1; e1N=pts(:,1).'==N;
e21=pts(:,2)==1; e2N=pts(:,2).'==N;
E1=(e11&e1N); E1=E1|E1.';
E2=(e21&e2N); E2=E2|E2.';
H_tp=(D==1) | E1 | E2;
  1 Comment
Vira Roy
Vira Roy on 7 Oct 2021
Matt, thank you for the solution. It has helped me and so I am accepting the answer.

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More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 6 Oct 2021
Edited: Matt J on 6 Oct 2021
If N^2 isn't too large,
h_tb=sparse( toeplitz([0,1,zeros(1,N-3),1]) ); %1D
H_tb=xor(A,B); %2D
H_tb = 16×16 sparse logical array
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Vira Roy
Vira Roy on 6 Oct 2021
This seems to work Matt and I am thankful for your solution as well but unfortunately this is not what i was hoping for. I wanted to use the function SquareGrid to make the points and then loop around them to find the matrix elements of the matrix. The reason being that I wanted to learn the technqiue of doing that so later i can try the idea for different grid system like say hexagonal lattice for which I have function as well similar to SquareGrid.
Thanks for the help though and if you have some idea of how should i approach like i mentioned it would be helpful.

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