I have an issue which i dont really know how to resolve. I have connected my matlab env with a MSSQL server, using an sqlexpress db to store the data. I used a JDBC connection to link MATLAB with this database and its working fine. I have an windows authentication. When I type dexplore, open, i can configure a jdbc connection then i can see my db name, which i can access.
Now I want to make a command connection using this command line:
conn = database('dbName','','','com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver','jdbc:sqlserver://servername:portnumber;database=dbName;integratedSecurity=true;')
and its now working i am getting the following :
Cannot open database "GLOBALMACRO" requested by the login. The login failed. ClientConnectionId:86ac96d0-178d-48e2-80f3-a5b75a82162a.
I used the following command :
conn = database('GLOBALMACRO','','','com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver','jdbc:sqlserver://TW\SQLEXPRESS:1433;database=GLOBALMACRO;integratedSecurity=true;')
Why can i access the database via the database toolkit, and cant make a connection via the above command? is there something wrong in the synthax?
I have all the rights, the sqlexpress in the studio all have TCP/IP connections equal to 1433.
Thank you very much for the help