Eliminating marks on bar graph
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When I use the bar() plotting function, and input a given data set, for a particular binning (in the x-axis), the function plots the centers of the bins using the marker '*' on the x-axis, by default. I would like to remove these '*' marks on the x-axis. How do I write this in a code? I can do it using the GUI, but need it to be done via command line.
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 10 Oct 2014
I’ve seen this problem mentioned before. It is a default behaviour of bar. There is a posted fix for it here: How can I prevent or remove the asterisk annotations on my BAR plot in MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a)?
More Answers (1)
Image Analyst
on 10 Oct 2014
Is that a tick mark? You can get rid of x ticks doing something like this:
set(gca, 'xtick', []);
set(gca, 'xticklabels', []);
or something like that.
Kelly Kearney
on 10 Oct 2014
The stars are an odd peculiarity of the 'histc' option... I'm not sure what the original programmer's motivation was, but if your bin widths are not even, markers are placed along the x-axis at each bin edge. The handle to this line object isn't returned, so you'll have to handle-dive to get rid of them:
delete(findobj('marker', '*'));
as Star mentioned above.
I'd be curious to know where this convention came from... I use the 'histc' option with bar all the time, but it is an undocumented legacy option (and is implemented via barV6.m, which "is undocumented and may change in a future release"), so I too discovered the * behavior accidentally.
Star Strider
on 10 Oct 2014
Edited: Star Strider
on 10 Oct 2014
Kelly — I believe I first learned about it from one of your posts.
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