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Reward function for induction motor speed control

3 views (last 30 days)
i am trying to make reinforcement learning based speed controller for foc of induction motor. For this purpose i have used matlab simulink and reinforecmnt learning tool box.
My system is able to follow the speed from 0 to 1 but as i increase my speed to 1000 it does not follow anymore and goes upto value 5. I am thinking there is a problem with my reward function.
i am writing my code below. This code is taken from matlab water tank example. Now i want to follow the speed upto 1000 rpm so i changed the final value from 1 to 1000. Please tell the mistake i am making here.
thanking in advance.
function reward = rewardFunctionVfb(x,t)
% REWARDFUNCTION generates rewards from Simulink block specifications.
% x : Input of watertank_stepinput_rl/WaterLevelStepResponse
% t : Simulation time (s)
% Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
% 26-Apr-2021 13:05:16
%% Specifications from watertank_stepinput_rl/WaterLevelStepResponse
Block1_InitialValue = 0;
Block1_FinalValue = 1000;
Block1_StepTime = 0;
Block1_StepRange = Block1_FinalValue - Block1_InitialValue;
Block1_MinRise = Block1_InitialValue + Block1_StepRange * 80/100;
Block1_MaxSettling = Block1_InitialValue + Block1_StepRange * (1+2/100);
Block1_MinSettling = Block1_InitialValue + Block1_StepRange * (1-2/100);
Block1_MaxOvershoot = Block1_InitialValue + Block1_StepRange * (1+10/100);
Block1_MinUndershoot = Block1_InitialValue - Block1_StepRange * 5/100;
if t >= Block1_StepTime
if Block1_InitialValue <= Block1_FinalValue
Block1_UpperBoundTimes = [0,5; 5,max(5+1,t+1)];
Block1_UpperBoundAmplitudes = [Block1_MaxOvershoot,Block1_MaxOvershoot; Block1_MaxSettling,Block1_MaxSettling];
Block1_LowerBoundTimes = [0,2; 2,5; 5,max(5+1,t+1)];
Block1_LowerBoundAmplitudes = [Block1_MinUndershoot,Block1_MinUndershoot; Block1_MinRise,Block1_MinRise; Block1_MinSettling,Block1_MinSettling];
Block1_UpperBoundTimes = [0,2; 2,5; 5,max(5+1,t+1)];
Block1_UpperBoundAmplitudes = [Block1_MinUndershoot,Block1_MinUndershoot; Block1_MinRise,Block1_MinRise; Block1_MinSettling,Block1_MinSettling];
Block1_LowerBoundTimes = [0,5; 5,max(5+1,t+1)];
Block1_LowerBoundAmplitudes = [Block1_MaxOvershoot,Block1_MaxOvershoot; Block1_MaxSettling,Block1_MaxSettling];
Block1_xmax = zeros(1,size(Block1_UpperBoundTimes,1));
for idx = 1:numel(Block1_xmax)
tseg = Block1_UpperBoundTimes(idx,:);
xseg = Block1_UpperBoundAmplitudes(idx,:);
Block1_xmax(idx) = interp1(tseg,xseg,t,'linear',NaN);
if all(isnan(Block1_xmax))
Block1_xmax = Inf;
Block1_xmax = max(Block1_xmax,[],'omitnan');
Block1_xmin = zeros(1,size(Block1_LowerBoundTimes,1));
for idx = 1:numel(Block1_xmin)
tseg = Block1_LowerBoundTimes(idx,:);
xseg = Block1_LowerBoundAmplitudes(idx,:);
Block1_xmin(idx) = interp1(tseg,xseg,t,'linear',NaN);
if all(isnan(Block1_xmin))
Block1_xmin = -Inf;
Block1_xmin = max(Block1_xmin,[],'omitnan');
Block1_xmin = -Inf;
Block1_xmax = Inf;
%% Penalty function weight (specify nonnegative)
Weight =10;
%% Compute penalty
% Penalty is computed for violation of linear bound constraints.
% To compute exterior bound penalty, use the exteriorPenalty function and
% specify the penalty method as 'step' or 'quadratic'.
% Alternaltely, use the hyperbolicPenalty or barrierPenalty function for
% computing hyperbolic and barrier penalties.
% For more information, see help for these functions.
Penalty = sum(exteriorPenalty(x,Block1_xmin,Block1_xmax,'quadratic'));
%% Compute reward
reward = -Weight * Penalty;

Answers (2)

Osama Neama
Osama Neama on 22 Mar 2022
I'm facing the same issue :(

AYOUB GEGE on 1 Sep 2023
please can u send me the simulink file or mlx ... i need ur help

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