Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Attached are the plots of a i get from a csv file imported to MATLAB. I want to declutter the plot (remove the noise captured by measuring instrument) zoom on in the data.

3 views (last 30 days)
Desired result capture.png

Accepted Answer

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 23 Feb 2022
xlim([-0.5 2.5]) % changed domain min and max to zoom in.
h=gca; % obtained handle of the current axes
x = h.Children.XData; % extracted xdata from figure
y = h.Children.YData; % extracted ydata from figure
y=lowpass(y,10,1000); % Low pass filter with cut off at 10Hz, assuming sample rate of 1000 Hz
xlim([-0.5 2.5]) % changed domain min and max to zoom in.
h=gca; % obtained handle of the current axes
x = h.Children.XData; % extracted xdata from figure
y = h.Children.YData; % extracted ydata from figure
y=lowpass(y,10,1000); % Low pass filter with cut off at 10Hz, assuming sample rate of 1000 Hz
xlim([-20 20])
Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 2 Mar 2022
Yes, you could use xlswrite to save the data within that range.
new_x = x(49380:52380);
new_y = y(49380:52380);
You can save the variables new_x and new_y into the Excel sheet.

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