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Odd behavior with ginput

1 view (last 30 days)
Trevor Harris
Trevor Harris on 23 Jan 2015
Edited: Geoff Hayes on 24 Jan 2015
hey all,
I'm getting some weird behavior with ginput when using a figure that exist on a uipanel. I've ran the following code:
h = uipanel;
set(h,'position',[.25 .25 .5 .5]);
h1 = axes;
set(h,'position',[.1 .1 .8 .8]);
That all works fine, but when I try and hover over my plot, I get the usual plus sign, but behind it are these crosshairs that are hidden bu the uipanel, but show up on the background figure. See the attacehd figure. Any idea what this is about? I'm currently using Matlab 2014b.
Thanks! Trevor

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