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How to change figure image to jpg image (image undistortion)

3 views (last 30 days)
IntrinsicMatrix = [4094.8006 0 0; 0 4081.8042 0; 1787.2784 1472.9443 1];
radialDistortion = [-0.1963 0.1539];
tangentialdistortion = [-0.0048 -0.0061];
cameraParams = cameraParameters('IntrinsicMatrix',IntrinsicMatrix,'RadialDistortion',radialDistortion, 'TangentialDistortion',tangentialdistortion);
I = imread ('C:\Users\nguic\Documents\MATLAB\rootimage\capture_2-18-05-22-17:44.jpg')% Direction to read file.
J = undistortImage(I,cameraParams);
figure; imshow(imresize(I,0.5)); # this sentence will generate figure image, so what should I change to get a jpg image?

Answers (3)

Jan on 25 May 2022
img = imresize(I,0.5);
imwrite(img, 'YourImage.jpg')

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 26 May 2022
I would never use jpg if you ever plan on using that image for image analysis. Use PNG format. It's lossless compression, has none of the bad compression artifacts JPG images can have, and is pretty much the de facto standard these days. Anyway, you can use imwrite like Jan said.
Also, use more descriptive variable names (like you did in the first 4 lines) than I and J. Using single letter variables will soon make your code look like an alphabet soup of a program that is hard to maintain. Add comments too. That helps maintainability.
More robust code:
% Read in input image.
fullInputFileName = 'C:\Users\nguic\Documents\MATLAB\rootimage\capture_2-18-05-22-17:44.jpg'
% Check that the file actually exists.
if ~isfile(fullInputFileName)
% Exit if the image file is not found.
errorMessage = sprintf('Input file not found:\n\n%s', fullInputFileName);
originalRGBImage = imread(fullInputFileName)% Direction to read file.
% Repair the image by undoing the distortion.
undistortedImage = undistortImage(originalRGBImage, cameraParams);
imshow(undistortedImage, []);
drawnow; % Cause it to refresh screen immediately.
% Resize the image. Cut its size down by half in each dimension.
resizedImage = imresize(undistortedImage, 0.5);
drawnow; % Cause it to refresh screen immediately.
% Construct output filename
outputFileName = strrep(fullInputFileName, ':', ''); % Get rid of colons because they are not allowed.
outputFileName = strrep(outputFileName, '.jpg', '.png'); % Replace jpg with png.
% Save the array to disk.
imwrite(resizedImage, outputFileName);
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 May 2022
Actually we can't get rid of the drive letter colon so we have to get rid of the colons in your time stamps only after the third character in the filename. Try this:
% Read in input image.
folder = 'C:\Users\nguic\Documents\MATLAB\rootimage'
if ~isfolder(folder)
folder = pwd;
fullInputFileName = fullfile(folder, '1.jpg');
% Check that the file actually exists.
if ~isfile(fullInputFileName)
% Exit if the image file is not found.
errorMessage = sprintf('Input file not found:\n\n%s', fullInputFileName);
originalRGBImage = imread(fullInputFileName); % Direction to read file.
% Repair the image by undoing the distortion.
undistortedImage = undistortImage(originalRGBImage, cameraParams);
subplot(2, 1, 1);
imshow(undistortedImage, []);
drawnow; % Cause it to refresh screen immediately.
% Resize the image. Cut its size down by half in each dimension.
resizedImage = imresize(undistortedImage, 0.5);
subplot(2, 1, 2);
drawnow; % Cause it to refresh screen imme
% Construct output filename
% Get rid of colons after column 3 because they are not allowed,
% and the user had some in there because the time was encoded into the file name..
strNoColons = strrep(fullInputFileName(3:end), ':', '');
outputFileName = [fullInputFileName(1:2), strNoColons];
[folder, baseFileNameNoExt, ext] = fileparts(outputFileName);
outputFileName = fullfile(folder, [baseFileNameNoExt, '.png'])
fprintf('Writing "%s".\n', outputFileName);
% Save the array to disk.
imwrite(resizedImage, outputFileName);

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chee gang ngui
chee gang ngui on 3 Jun 2022
thank you!


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