How to add a verteical pad obove and below the curve and graph style and color displays?
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I have two questions and the data is attached to the question:
Q1) Lest hand side code is for the figure on right hand side. How I can the color of each curve and curve style (dotted, asterisk, etc.) by myself in the code instead of MATLAB is chossing automatically?
Q2) In the figure on right hand side, qp at various f are plotted against VD. I have attached a data having VD and one of qp curve. the qp curves not of same length of VD. I want to add a pad above and below the qp curves such that it becomes equal to VD. The pad values should be between 0.001 to 0.002. How I can do it?
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Jun 2022
FYI, a few options I tried to change automatically colors and linestyles (if that is ok for you) inside your loop
- had to modify the plot code as for the time being I cannot use the provided x, y data
- used some Filexchange submissions to get to this result
% load('testdata.mat')
%% define your custom color order
% option 1 : manually : possible but takes time
% colors = [0 0 1;...
% 0 1 0;...
% 1 0 0;...
% 0 1 1;...
% 1 0 1;...
% 1 0.69 0.39;...
% 0.6 0.2 0;...
% 0 0.75 0.75;...
% 0.22 0.44 0.34;...
% 0.32 0.19 0.19]; %10x3 RGB array
% % or based on existing color maps
% colors = jet(60);
% or this
% %
% colors = linspecer(60);
% even better :
func = @(x) colorspace('RGB->Lab',x); %
colors = distinguishable_colors(60,{'w','k'},func); %
%% define line styles and loop over them
linS = {'-','--',':','-.'};
hold on
c = 0;
cc = c;
for kk = 1:10:600
c= c+1;
cc = cc+1;
if cc>length(linS)
cc = 1 ; % restart from 1
% plot(Inv_Q(:,kk),VD,'Color',colors(n,:), 'DisplayName',sprintf('f = %d',f(kk)))
plot(VD1 + 0.1*kk,VD1,'Color',colors(c,:),'linestyle',linS{cc}, 'DisplayName',sprintf('f = %d',kk))
% plot(qp(:,kk),VD1,'Color',colors(c,:),'linestyle',linS{cc}, 'DisplayName',sprintf('f = %d',kk))
hold off
legend('Location','best'); set(gca, 'ydir', 'reverse');
% xlim([0 3.0e-2]); ylim([1.8879e+03 2.1313e+03]);
xlabel('qp'); ylabel('VD');
Answers (2)
Hiro Yoshino
on 1 Jun 2022
Mathieu NOE
on 3 Jun 2022
hello Nisar
this is my suggestion , and result
your last mat file does not contain the f data so I skipped that portion of code for the time being - should be fairly easy to reactivate it on your side
here a demo with a spacing of 5 netween succesive data (your original code was with a spacing of 10)
[m,n] = size(Inv_Q);
%% define your custom color order
% option 1 : manually : possible but takes time and not flexible / robust
% colors = [0 0 1;...
% 0 1 0;...
% 1 0 0;...
% 0 1 1;...
% 1 0 1;...
% 1 0.69 0.39;...
% 0.6 0.2 0;...
% 0 0.75 0.75;...
% 0.22 0.44 0.34;...
% 0.32 0.19 0.19]; %10x3 RGB array
% % or based on existing color maps
% colors = jet(n);
% or this
% %
% colors = linspecer(60);
% even better :
func = @(x) colorspace('RGB->Lab',x); %
colors = distinguishable_colors(n,{'w','k'},func); %
%% define line styles and loop over them
linS = {'-','--',':','-.'};
hold on
c = 0;
cc = c;
new_x = linspace(min(VD1),max(VD1),m);
for kk = 1:5:n
c= c+1;
cc = cc+1;
if cc>length(linS)
cc = 1 ; % restart from 1
plot(Inv_Q(:,kk),new_x,'Color',colors(c,:),'linestyle',linS{cc}); % plot(Inv_Q(:,kk),VD1, 'DisplayName',sprintf('f = %d',f(kk)))
leg_str{c} = (['Data ' num2str(kk)]);
hold off
legend(leg_str,'Location','best'); set(gca, 'ydir', 'reverse');
xlim([0 3.0e-2]); ylim([1.8879e+03 2.1313e+03]);
xlabel('qp'); ylabel('VD');
See Also
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