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How to replace double values into an array with NaN?

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone! I need a help with this code. I have a set of points at 90 meters of altitude and another set of points at 140 meters of altitude. Then I have to find for each point at the higher altitude, the nearest point at the lower altitude.
However I would add a statement:
I would like to obtain that closest_point_lower_altitude continues to have a dimension 7x2 but the points in correspondence of a minimum distance > 10 have to be NaN values. How can I do it? Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

David Hill
David Hill on 24 Aug 2022
new_points_90 = load('new_points_90.mat').new_points;
new_points_140 = load('new_points_140.mat').new_points;
[m,idx]=min(d);%provides minimum distance and idx of 90 (only one point has <=10 minimum distance

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