denoise non stationary signal

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how an non-stationary signal could be denoised ? In most material, is only written about denoising stationary signals.
Is there any specific filter?
Besides that I just need my signal in the frequency domain and if you suggest denoise with wavelet how can I transform the signal from wavelet to frequency domain directly?
My signal in periodogram

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 9 Sep 2022
I have nothing against using wavelets to denoise a signal, however I generally find the sgolayfilt function useful in eliminating broadband noise from a signal. If you have band-limited noise, then use an appropriate digital filter such as bandpass to eliminiate it (the filter type will be dependent on the nature of the noise).
mehrab zamanian
mehrab zamanian on 9 Sep 2022
Tnx a lot
Unfortunatly I cant find best order and framelength for this filter that suitable for my signal. In frequency domain I need my signal have certain peak and the frequency content between peaks become smooth.
please help me for this problem! this is a part of my thesis and I have been working on it for months.
my signal and sample rate are attached in .mat file. my code is written below. the main frequency is between [20-100]KHz
order = 9;
framelen =301;
sgf = sgolayfilt(Bnew,order,framelen);
f = fs*(0:floor(L)-1)/(2*L);
xlim([20000 100000])
Star Strider
Star Strider on 9 Sep 2022
I should have been a bit more specific in my recommendations. I usually choose a 3-degree polynomial. Higher orders than 5 will model the signal very closely and not give good noise elimination. I always have to experiment with the frame length.
Try this —
LD = load(websave('Bnew',''))
LD = struct with fields:
Bnew: [198657×1 double] fs: 10000000
Bnew = LD.Bnew;
fs = LD.fs
fs = 10000000
L = numel(Bnew);
t = linspace(0, L-1, L)/fs;
plot(t, Bnew)
xlim([0 0.005])
Bnew_filt = sgolayfilt(Bnew, 3, 301);
plot(t, Bnew_filt)
xlim([0 0.005])
Fn = fs/2;
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
FTssf = fft([Bnew Bnew_filt], NFFT)/L;
Fv = linspace(0, 1, NFFT/2+1)*Fn;
Iv = 1:numel(Fv);
H = FTssf(:,2) ./ FTssf(:,1);
plot(Fv, abs(FTssf(Iv,:))*2)
title('Fourier Transforms')
legend('Original','Filtered', 'Location','best')
xlim([0 2.5E+5])
plot(Fv, mag2db(abs(H(Iv))))
% set(gca,'XScale','log')
xlim([0 2.5E+5])
title('Transfer Function of Savitzky-Golay Filter For This Signal')
The frequency characteristics of this signal are interesting, leading me to believe it has already been lowpass-filtered. The derived thansfer function of the Savitzky-Golay filter reveals it to have a ‘comb’ characteristic with significant filtering at three different frequencies.
Experiment with it (and this code) to get the result you want.

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