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show image independently

1 view (last 30 days)
Izzo on 21 Oct 2011
i was building a program for capturing image from webcam, and show it using imshow(image) but suddenly after the image is captured, the image is shown in the part of gui, what i mean is to show the image independently, help me guys! thx!

Accepted Answer

Jan on 21 Oct 2011
imshow displays the image in the current AXES-object. I assume "showing the image independently" means to display it in a new figure. Then:
newFigureH = figure;
newAxesH = axes('Parent', newFigureH);
imshow(rand(100, 100, 3), 'Parent', newAxesH);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Oct 2011
No, Izzo, where Jan showed "figure" you require a figure number, and cannot use an image handle. An image is a single bit-mapped drawing such as a photograph, and cannot contain any other objects (except an annotation object.)
If img is the image you want to show, then you need to adapt Jan's example to
newFigureH = figure;
newAxesH = axes('Parent', newFigureH);
imshow(img, 'Parent', newAxesH);
Izzo on 22 Oct 2011
right it works! thank you very much for you guys help

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