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Importing URDF file into Simulink

3 views (last 30 days)
Na on 11 Aug 2023
Answered: Suman on 25 Jul 2024
I am trying to import a Clearpath Husky model into simulink by running the following code;
I was successful visualizing the blocks in simulink, but the robot itself cannot be visualized as some Visual blocks are undefined.
What can I do to show the Husky robot in Simulink?
Thank you in advance. I apologize if I am not making sense.

Answers (1)

Suman on 25 Jul 2024
Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can try to resolve this issue:
  1. Check that the xml description in the udrf file only contains elements and attributes that are supported. You can see the supported elements and atrributes here. If this model contains any elements or attributes outside of the supported ones, it may not be properly visualized.
  2. Verify Mesh Files: If the URDF file references external mesh files (e.g., .stl, .dae), make sure these files are available and correctly referenced in the URDF. The paths should be correct relative to the location of the URDF file.


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