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Ordinary differential equations with two unknows (ode45)

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, thank you very much for any help!
I am trying to solve two equations by converting them into two ordinary differential equations, but ODE45, ODE23, et al. cannot solve them well.
The two unknows vv and ff are a function of time t. The code is listed as below:
p.a=0.0062; p.b=0.0128; p.L=17.5e-6; p.Vo=1e-6; p.Vl=5e-7; p.sigma=5e7; p.k=0.95*p.sigma*(p.b-p.a)/p.L;
odefun=@(t,y) ode_isothermal(p,t,y);
yo(1) = p.L/p.Vo; % initial state variable
yo(2) = p.Vo; % initial velocity
tic % four/fifth order Runge-Kutta solver
[t,y]=ode45(odefun,[0 2000],yo,options);
figure(1); % figure
box on; set(gca,'xlim',[0 2000])
function dydt=ode_isothermal(p,~,y)
dydt(1)=1-ff*vv/p.L; % function 1 for ff
dydt(2)=(kv-bb)/(p.a/vv+0.1-aa); %function 2 for vv

Accepted Answer

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 28 Aug 2023
If ode15s() solver is used, the simulation runs. You should be able to plot the results.
p.a = 0.0062;
p.b = 0.0128;
p.L = 17.5e-6;
p.Vo = 1e-6;
p.Vl = 5e-7;
p.sigma = 5e7;
p.k = 0.95*p.sigma*(p.b - p.a)/p.L;
odefun = @(t, y) ode_isothermal(p,t,y);
y0 = zeros(2, 1);
y0(1) = p.L/p.Vo; % initial state variable
y0(2) = p.Vo; % initial velocity
tic % four/fifth order Runge-Kutta solver
% options = odeset('Refine', 1, 'RelTol', 1e-6, 'InitialStep', 1e-5, 'MaxStep', 1e5);
[t, y] = ode15s(odefun, [0 2000], y0);
Elapsed time is 0.107397 seconds.
% test
plot(t, y(:,1)), grid on, xlabel('Time'), title('ff')
plot(t, y(:,2)), grid on, xlabel('Time'), title('vv')
% figure(1); % figure
% plot(t, log(y(:,2)/p.Vo));
% xlabel('Time'), ylabel('ln(V/V_{0})')
% box on; set(gca,'xlim',[0 2000])
function dydt = ode_isothermal(p,~,y)
dydt = zeros(2, 1);
ff = y(1);
vv = y(2);
dydt(1) = 1 - ff*vv/p.L; % function 1 for ff
kv = p.k*(p.Vl-vv);
bb = p.b*(dydt(1)/ff)*(p.Vl/vv).^(1/3);
aa = p.b/3/vv*(p.Vl/vv).^(1/3).*log(ff/35);
dydt(2) = (kv - bb)/(p.a/vv + 0.1 - aa); %function 2 for vv
Mei Cheng
Mei Cheng on 28 Aug 2023
@TorstenThank you very much for your further reply. I am not sure about it, but i will try to simplify my equations. Thank you again!
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 29 Aug 2023
As explained by @Torsten, the logarithmic and cubic root terms are primarily the causes of the complex-valued results. You can observe the streamlines in this plot to visually understand how the trajectories of the states "ff" and "vv" evolve as they approach 0. Additionally, it's worth noting that the equations also include several instances of division-by-zero terms.
% parameters
p.a = 0.0062;
p.b = 0.0128;
p.L = 17.5e-6;
p.Vo = 1e-6;
p.Vl = 5e-7;
p.sigma = 5e7;
p.k = 0.95*(p.b - p.a)/p.L;
% meshing
f = linspace(-1.2, 1.2, 15);
v = linspace(-0.3, 0.3, 15);
[ff,vv] = meshgrid(f, v);
% streamlines
dy1 = 1 - ff.*vv/p.L;
kv = p.k*(p.Vl - vv);
bb = p.b*(dy1./ff).*(p.Vl./vv).^(1/3);
aa = p.b/3./vv.*(p.Vl./vv).^(1/3).*log(ff/35);
dy2 = (kv - bb)./(p.a./vv + 0.1 - aa);
l = streamslice(ff, vv, dy1, dy2);
% axis control
axis tight
axis([-1, 1, -0.25, 0.25])
xlabel('ff'), ylabel('vv')

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