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Compiling a Matlab function with a Java library dependency

7 views (last 30 days)
I want to convert an existing matlab function (lets call it foo.m) to a java library using the compiler toolbox.
However, foo() uses multiple recursive calls to an existing java library (lets call it bar.jar) to compute its results.
My questions are:
  1. Is this a use case the compiler toolbox can handle (the documentation seems to imply only a single entry point)?
  2. During compilation, would bar.jar be considered an external dependency or will it be embedded in the resulting foo.jar?
Dependencies prevent me from easily translating foo.m to Java, so I would appreciate thoughts about this.
  1 Comment
Tommy on 29 Sep 2023
After a few days of tinkering, I have tentative answers to the above:
  1. The compiler toolbox seems to have no issue with calling libraries using the standard javaaddpath() and import commands. I found that specifying a relative path to the library was the cleanest way to do this easily.
  2. The external library does not need to be included as an explicit dependency in the compiler app, and does not seem to be included automatically in the compiled jar. You can do this and it still works, but you don't have to.
Hope this is helpful to someone other than myself.

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