Clear Filters
Clear Filters

explain this matlab code please

2 views (last 30 days)
sanjit on 11 Dec 2023
Commented: Image Analyst on 11 Dec 2023
this is a code for image processing to create a blurred effect on an image while keeping a selected region in focus.please explain this code
clc; clear all;
originalImage = imread('walk.jpeg');
selectedRegion = roipoly(originalImage);
filterSize = 15;
filterKernel = fspecial('average', filterSize);
filterKernel = filterKernel / sum(filterKernel(:));
blurredImage = imfilter(originalImage, filterKernel, 'replicate');
resultImage = originalImage;
resultImage(repmat(~selectedRegion, [1, 1, size(originalImage, 3)])) = blurredImage(repmat(~selectedRegion, [1, 1, size(originalImage, 3)]));
subplot(1, 2, 1), imshow(originalImage), title('Original Image');
subplot(1, 2, 2), imshow(resultImage), title('Blurred Image with Selected Region in Focus')

Answers (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 11 Dec 2023
From ChatGPT
This MATLAB code performs the following tasks:
  1. Clears the command window and removes all variables from the workspace using clc and clear all.
  2. Loads an image named 'walk.jpeg' into the variable originalImage using the imread function.
  3. Allows the user to select a region of interest from the originalImage using the roipoly function, and stores the selected region in the variable selectedRegion.
  4. Defines the size of the filter to be 15 and creates an averaging filter kernel using the fspecial function.
  5. Normalizes the filter kernel by dividing it by the sum of all its elements.
  6. Blurs the originalImage using the imfilter function with the previously created filter kernel, and stores the result in the variable blurredImage.
  7. Creates a copy of the originalImage and stores it in the variable resultImage.
  8. Replaces the non-selected region in resultImage with the corresponding region from blurredImage, effectively applying the blur effect to the non-selected region.
  9. Displays the original image and the resulting image side by side in a figure using the subplot, imshow, and title functions.
This code essentially allows the user to selectively apply a blur effect to a specific region of the loaded image, while keeping another region in focus.
I asked it to add comments to the code.
% Clear the command window and remove all variables from the workspace
clear all;
% Load the original image
originalImage = imread('walk.jpeg');
% Allow the user to select a region of interest from the original image
selectedRegion = roipoly(originalImage);
% Define the size of the filter
filterSize = 15;
% Create an averaging filter kernel
filterKernel = fspecial('average', filterSize);
% Normalize the filter kernel
filterKernel = filterKernel / sum(filterKernel(:));
% Blur the original image using the created filter kernel
blurredImage = imfilter(originalImage, filterKernel, 'replicate');
% Create a copy of the original image
resultImage = originalImage;
% Replace the non-selected region in resultImage with the corresponding region from blurredImage
resultImage(repmat(~selectedRegion, [1, 1, size(originalImage, 3)])) = blurredImage(repmat(~selectedRegion, [1, 1, size(originalImage, 3)]));
% Display the original image and the resulting image side by side in a figure
subplot(1, 2, 1), imshow(originalImage), title('Original Image');
subplot(1, 2, 2), imshow(resultImage), title('Blurred Image with Selected Region in Focus');




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