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How to turn off text highlighting/ variable usage counting in 2023a

5 views (last 30 days)
When I select a variable, Matlab highlights all of the usages of that variable and counts how many there are.
How can I turn this feature off?
AP on 25 Jan 2024
Moved: Dyuman Joshi on 29 Feb 2024
Thank you. I am having an issue when I highlight the index of a variable, Matlab hangs for 16 seconds. I thought turning this highlighting off would prevent matlab from highlighting and counting the variable index in 54,000 places thus prevent the hang but it did not work.
When i say index, I mean the "(Ti, Hi)" portion in somevariable(Ti, Hi).
This hang doesnt happen in 2019b
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 29 Feb 2024
Moved: Dyuman Joshi on 29 Feb 2024
"I thought turning this highlighting off would prevent matlab from highlighting ..."
Yeah, as I highlighted above, that does not seem to be possible.
"This hang doesnt happen in 2019b"
Does your PC have enough physical resources to run R2023a smoothly?

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