Check input is a string or Char if so reprompt
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I am struggling to fidn a way to check a input if its any type of string or char and if so reprompt the user.
Code is below:
a = input("Please enter a number: "); %Takes user input for number that is to be converted
while isempty(a)
disp('Invalid input please enter a number!')
a = input("Please enter a number: ");
convtype = input("Please enter the conversion type: "); %Takes user input for the cnversion type that they want
while isempty(convtype)|| convtype < 1 || convtype > 14
disp('Invalid conversion type selection please make a selection between 1 and 14!')
convtype = input("Please enter the conversion type: ");
on 5 May 2024
If you specify the 's' option then INPUT will always return a character vector:
txt = input(prompt,'s')
Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 6 May 2024
a = input("Please enter a number: "); %Takes user input for number that is to be converted
while ~isnumeric(a) || numel(a) ~= 1
disp('Invalid input please enter a number!')
a = input("Please enter a number: ");
convtype = input("Please enter the conversion type, integer 1 to 14: "); %Takes user input for the cnversion type that they want
while ~isnumeric(convtype) || numel(convtype) ~= 1 || convtype ~= floor(convtype) || convtype < 1 || convtype > 14
disp('Invalid conversion type selection please make a selection between 1 and 14!')
convtype = input("Please enter the conversion type as an integer 1 to 14: ");
Dyuman Joshi
on 6 May 2024
~ is the logical not operator - not, ~
~= is ne, ~=
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