autocorrelation plot without the grid of lines

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi all,
I am using the function autocorr(). However, it produces the graph with a grid of vertical and horizontal lines.
Is there any way to remove them?

Accepted Answer

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 13 May 2024
you can remove the grid by specifying grid off after the plot
Mdl = arima(AR={0.75,0.15},SAR={0.9,-0.5,0.5}, ...
SARLags=[12 24 36],MA=-0.5,Constant=2, ...
% Simulate data from Mdl.
rng(1); % For reproducibility
y = simulate(Mdl,1000);
% Plot the default autocorrelation function (ACF).
grid off

More Answers (1)

Saurabh on 13 May 2024
Seems to me that by default the plot is having horizontal and vertical lines in, which iIs not required here as per the requirement.
To remove the grid lines from the graph, ‘grid’ function can be used.
Here is an example code for the above implementation:
% Example time series data
data = randn(100, 1); % Generate some random data
% Compute and plot the autocorrelation
With the above code we get this plot:
By adding one line of code, vertical and horizontal grid lines are eliminated:
% Example time series data
data = randn(100, 1); % Generate some random data
% Compute and plot the autocorrelation
% Turn off the grid for the current axes
grid off;
To get more idea about how grid works, have a look at this website:


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